Partnership on CMFlix

Partnership on CMFlix

Partnership on CMFlix

01 Jan 1970

CMFlix being the first product of its kind in its geographical location has caused its developers to be very keen on how satisfied users feel after streaming on their app reason why they partner with best content creators in Cameroon and Africa as a whole

CMFlix is a product of hard work and resilience for the past six years. CMFlix will give you the best form of entertainment ranging from sports, movies, comedy, series, tv shows and live tv all on one platform available on multiple devices.

To give users an outstanding experience on CMFlix, they partner with best content creators in Cameroon and Africa as a whole. We have some premium content from Kenya, South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana and of course Cameroon, just to name a few. In Cameroon we have Mustik le caresmatik, Richard, Ulrich Takam, Capees comedy world, Koks sucriec, Aunty Felicia just to name a few. We are open to more content creators just to give users an unforgettable experience. You can contact their content managers at; content@cmflix.com . Also, CMFlix comes today in two languages; English and French.   

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