How to Access Movies on CMFlix

How to Access Movies on CMFlix

How to Access Movies on CMFlix

01 Jan 1970

You can access movies on CMFlix via 5 ways; genre, popular stars, countries and date release...

By genre, click on any of them it could be comedy, action, drama etc. By clicking on any of these genres, you will find a variety of programmes from which you can choose that which you want to watch.

By popular star, click on the star and you will be given a list of movies acted by that star from which, you can choose that you want to watch.

By countries, click on the country of your choice and you will be given a variety of movies acted in that country. From there, you can choose that which interest you.

The last way you can access movies on CMFlix is by using the search icon. Click on the search icon at the top right corner of your device and type the title of the movie you want to watch.

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